Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Armond White has lousy taste

New York Press critic Armond White has been asked to be involved in this year's Slate Movie Club. In his very first post he wrote about Before Sunset:

"Only one thing became apparent from all this: The passion of the hipster. And it's this, I submit, that ruined most criticism during '04. A good movie like Sideways may be weak rather than great; even its quasi-humanism can be disputed. But let's face it, Sideways is a lot more humane, considered, crafted, and accomplished than that piss-ant vanity production Before Sunset. Any class of journalist (or wannabe film critics in the Voice poll) who can contribute matchsticks to erect an edifice saluting Richard Linklater is unworthy of the art form that produced Griffith, Welles, Godard, Kael, and Sarris. Remember, Linklater in Before Sunset shot Paris like it was Hoboken—or Williamsburg!
Hipster self-righteousness has become a blight on film culture. The Voice poll revealed (or constructed) a disappointing, nationwide urge among film journalists to outsmartass each other. (Yes, I write for New York Press, which some people think of as the Voice's opponent, but these thoughts are not born of competition. I'm aiming at a problem bigger than one publication or institution.) The "victory" of a cliquish, solipsistic—and drab—film like Before Sunset is indicative of a dead-end culture. Coterie thinking passing for free expression. Too many critics—and filmgoers—are now smug about movies without being curious, honest, or imaginative. That's what Before Sunset celebrates."

Normally I wouldn't accuse another critic of terrible taste, but if I'm going to be (indirectly) called smug for being genuinely moved by a film then I think the proper response is to accuse Armond White of having lousy taste.


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