Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Everybody Hates Britney

Yes of course I watched Chaotic. The bar for the worst celebrity reality show has been set at Empire State Building Heights by the trainwreck that was The Anna Nicole Smith Show so I have little hope that this could surpass that. That said, the first show was promising. All I wanted was one moment where Britney or Kevin would say something that would unintentionally reveal a great deal about the two of them and that moment came early when Britney, discussing the many things about Kevin that fascinate her, says in her southern drawl, "Nothin' fazes him." If I thought she were smart I might think she was simply deluding herself into thinking that his cluelessness is something else - but I'm fairly sure that she actually thinks he's engaged in some capacity with the world around him. The moral of the story is that Britney can't handle her own truth. Yes, I will keep watching. Why? Because there are only two types of TV worth paying attention to - the very best and the very worst.

On the other end of the spectrum, the Everybody Loves Raymond finale was first-class. I know it is unpopular in some circles to defend the show but it was consistently well-written and well-acted and how can anybody begrudge a show that give Peter Boyle a healthy paycheck for nine years.

I eagerly anticipate the Quentin Tarantino directed CSI finale Thursday night. His was still the best directed episode of ER ever.

Soon, a short note about the two worst films of the year so far.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I, too, enjoyed “Everybody Loves Raymond.” Consistent throughout, funny throughout, it was one of those ‘workhorse’ shows that just plugs along, avoiding the hype (a la Friends, Cheers, etc.) and delivering on almost every occasion.

I think it will eventually become a staple on television—the way Lucy eventually became. I can’t watch very many of the old shows without them betraying their age (by “old” I mean anything from the 60’s, 70’s or 80’s). However, I think there is a certain timelessness to Raymond that will continue on.

Then again, I always thought Cyndi Lauper was going to be HUGE, so what do I know?

Can’t watch Britney… no, make that WON’T watch Britney. (You know… I’m saving this for MY blog…) Anyhow, can’t stand to look or listen to her, so I won’t.

Anyhow, I just wanted you to know you weren’t alone in liking Raymond (but you are alone… so very, very alone… watching L’il Miss White Trash 2005.


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