Thursday, June 02, 2005

Shameless Self-Promotion

I have a piece on the new Star Wars trilogy that has been published at Popmatters. Feedback is encouraged. Thank you all for your time.


At 12:56 PM, Blogger Chris said...

What a great article. You hit the nail on the head about the failures of "Phantom," however, "Clones" wasn't much better (I saw it twice--okay, one and a half as I slept through much of it the first time and wished I could have the second...)

I remember an article years and years ago--just before "Jedi" where George was asked how the Empire could take over? His response was, "The people stopped caring and stopped voting." Politics was always there, but I don't think even he knew quite how to do it--thankfully, George, et al. so brilliantly gave him a crystal clear example of how it's done. [I'll get off my soapbox now.]

Anyhow, great article--good read, I'll suggest it to others to read.


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