If this story from E! is correct this is the best TV news of the year:
Earlier this week, a friend here at E! interviewed Jason Bateman at a charity event. When asked the status of Arrested Development, he lit up like a banana stand: "Actually, great. Supergreat. There is a heartbeat. There is no flatline. And there may be twins. I'm going to let Kristin figure out what that means. I can't comment any further, but there will be an announcement next week." After much badgering and pestering, two rock-solid Fox sources, who have
never failed me before, caved and gave me the lowdown. Though they're still dotting I's and crossing T's on the final documents, I'm told Fox network and 20th Century Fox studio are "99.9 percent of the way there" to reaching an agreement on the new season. According to these
highly placed sources, it looks very likely that Arrested Development will be coming back not only for a full season of 22 episodes but actually two full seasons of 22 episodes. How freaking fantastic is that? At press time, I can tell you this is precisely where the show's fate
stands. So, barring any last-minute switch-a-roonies or bad acts by Satan or
Rupert Murdoch, we will get glorious "twin" seasons of the best damn comedy
on TV. According to these insiders, even though the ratings weren't exactly
American Idol numbers, Fox's new prez, Peter Liguori, bless his perceptive
little heart, has faith that the show will do well in a different time slot.
He also wants to bring AD up to the magical episode number required for
syndication and feels the show will do very well in repeats and also in DVD.